The Green Friend Smoothie and Alaskan Blueberry Picking

Helllllo! I'm back! And jet lagged, for sure. As soon as we landed at 2 in the morning (it was dreadful), I told Todd that all I wanted to eat over the next week was green smoothies. I've been having some crazy green smoothie cravings, people! Strange, I know, but who's going to deny themselves copious amounts of nutritious green smoothies? Certainly not this vegan gal. I promise, promise, promise to have some Turks and Caicos pictures up soon (you're all in for a real treat), but for now I will just share this amazing green smoothie recipe and then below, our family's search for Alaskan blueberries. They're beautiful pictures so be sure to check them out. Blueberry picking season is my absolute  favorite time of the year. I look forward to it every year like a five year old at Christmas, just ask Todd. Back to the smoothie for now though, in all it's godly, green glory.

Produce On Parade: The Green Friend Smoothie and Alaskan Blueberry Picking

Why do people go with the "Green Monster Smoothie" name? Monster?? I'm not exactly sure, but what I can tell you is that this smoothie is your friend. Yes, your amazing green friend. It's no monster! It only wants to provide you with much needed nutrients and it sure did satisfy my craving...for now at least.

The Green Friend Smoothie 

Makes 1 "BFF" Smoothie or 2 "Just Friend" Smoothies

Inspired by Myself

  • 1 cup of non-dairy milk, I used almond milk
  • 1-2 large handfuls of spinach
  • 1 heaping cup of zucchini, not peeled and rough chopped
  • 1 frozen banana, rough chopped
  • 1 kiwi, peeled
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp. flax seed
  • 2 Tbsp. pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tsp. dried loose-leaf green tea
  • 2 tsp. erythritol or sugar
  • splash of vanilla
  • sprinkle of ground nutmeg and/or ground cloves

Produce On Parade: The Green Friend Smoothie and Alaskan Blueberry Picking

Put the milk in first followed by the remaining ingredients and blend on high until smooth.

Produce On Parade: The Green Friend Smoothie and Alaskan Blueberry Picking

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Feel free to add in some vegan protein powder or whatever else you fancy!

Produce On Parade: The Green Friend Smoothie and Alaskan Blueberry PickingI need a new protein powder y'all! I bought this pea protein powder from our local bueno. Now in German everyone! Nicht gut.

Produce On Parade: The Green Friend Smoothie and Alaskan Blueberry Picking

The Green Friend Smoothie
Recipe Type: Smoothie
Author: Katie - Produce On Parade
Serves: 1-2
This green smoothie's no monster! It's your friend, here to help you get those much needed nutrients, so drink up!
  • 1 cup of non-dairy milk, I used almond milk
  • 1-2 large handfuls of spinach
  • 1 heaping cup of zucchini, peel on and rough chopped
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 kiwi, peeled
  • 2 tsp. erythritol or sugar
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp. flaxseed
  • 2 tsp. dried loose-leaf green tea
  • 2 Tbsp. pumpkin seeds
  • splash of vanilla
  • sprinkle of nutmeg
  1. Put the milk in first followed by the remaining ingredients and blend on high until smooth! Feel free to add in some protein powder or whatever else you fancy!

And finally, on to blueberry picking.

Alaskan Blueberry Picking Adventures

People, it was a sad day. We went in search of blueberries and this is what we found instead...

Produce On Parade: The Green Friend Smoothie and Alaskan Blueberry Picking

Dead blueberry bushes! White little skeletons of what once flourished with bright green oval leaves and plump, sweet and juicy blueberries. I can only assume it was our dry and scorching summer. I almost died. I might have cried. I heavily sighed. Okay, enough with the rhyming already. No more rhymes now, I mean it! Anybody want a peanut? Now I have to go watch Princess Bride. Excuse me.

Utterly depressing, huh? Bob and I thought so. So we wallowed together in our blatant misery, clutching the only berries we could find.

Produce On Parade: The Green Friend Smoothie and Alaskan Blueberry PickingWe did have fun with our "monster" tree though. We always take the same posing picture. The tree has horns you guys! So that cheered me right up.

Produce On Parade: The Green Friend Smoothie and Alaskan Blueberry PickingOur special blueberry spot is located in the beautiful Hatcher Pass, which at this time of the year is always occupied by fanatical blueberry harvesters like myself. However, for the last three years we've been crossing this creek with chest waders to a spot that isn't ever picked over, because let's face it...most people aren't hiking with chest waders and crossing rivers. Todd will cross first and then put the waders in a bag and throw them back across the creek for me! Could we just buy another pair of waders? Yes...but it wouldn't be as fun. Just trust me on this one.

Bailey gets really upset when Dad is on one side of the creek and Mom on the other, and so he ends up swimming frantically back and forth several times to check on the both of us. When I cross, he "helps" me by swimming right next to me and whimpering pitifully until I get across safely. He's such a sweetie pie! I always feel bad and try to express to him that I'm okay, as you can see below.

Produce On Parade: The Green Friend Smoothie and Alaskan Blueberry Picking

He likes to eat the blueberries. Normally, when we find a big bush of them and start picking, he prances over and promptly lays down and begins eating them all before I can pick them. He just juts out his little teeth and someone manages to gingerly pick an individual berry. It's really quite a peculiar thing to witness. Since the berries were super scare this trip, as I myself could barely find any, I decided to share what little I had with the gentle bear. I'm such a sweetie pie. See him nimbly eating the blueberry??

Produce On Parade: The Green Friend Smoothie and Alaskan Blueberry Picking

Produce On Parade: The Green Friend Smoothie and Alaskan Blueberry Picking

Don't let his manners get in the way of the truth though. He's a convicted blueberry eating monster! Downright guilty.

Produce On Parade: The Green Friend Smoothie and Alaskan Blueberry Picking

Todd is our resident photographer during our adventures and birthday boy in a couple of days! What a good-looking photographer. How did I get so lucky? It must be my Alaska wiles...

Produce On Parade: The Green Friend Smoothie and Alaskan Blueberry Picking

There's no doubt that our trip was a serious blueberry tragedy. However, we plan to try again next week in a different area. Last year's berries lasted us almost the entire year! I'm not buying blueberries for a whole year! That's madness!

Produce On Parade: The Green Friend Smoothie and Alaskan Blueberry PickingThe adventure wasn't a complete loss though, as of course we had a great time. A walk in nature is never a bad thing and we even got a couple good family pictures! I think Bailey should be a doggy model.

Produce On Parade: The Green Friend Smoothie and Alaskan Blueberry Picking Produce On Parade: The Green Friend Smoothie and Alaskan Blueberry Picking

It's good to be home.

Happy End of Summer from Produce On Parade! Now go celebrate a warm summer well adventured!

I'm Still Alive!

Helllllo! Imagine that in the Mrs. Doubtfire voice please... No I haven't abandoned you all, I love you! It's just that I'm on vacation you see...sweet, sweet paradise! Turks and Caicos is quite amazing and I promise to update you all when I get back!

But no, I haven't died or forgot about you. I shall leave you all with this...


We here at Produce On Parade are missing you!

Thai Cabbage Salad

Who leaves for Turks and Caicos tomorrow but still hasn't started packing yet? This girl! Even Todd is packed...ugh, I just abhor packing. Ain't nobody got time for that! More like ain't nobody got time to cook...and that is where this salad comes in. It's ready as fast as you can whisk up a dressing and chop up some veggies! Still leaving you plenty of time to Facebook, when you should be tending to actual, important things. Also, it was 83 F degrees when I left work yesterday, so you can bet I wasn't about to turn on the oven or the stove! It's too damn hot up in here! Oh, Alaska. At least in the tropics you have a beach and surf to play in! I can't wait to be snorkeling...god, I love snorkeling... Back to this salad though, I love cabbage and I love Thai flavors so why not combine them!  Cabbage, carrots and bell pepper combine with Thai flavors including curry paste, peanut butter, soy sauce, lime juice and sesame oil for a super fast and delicious feast.

Produce On Parade - Thai Cabbage Salad

Thai Cabbage Salad

Inspired by Vegan Yumminess

Serves 4

  • -- For the Sauce --
  • 2 large cloves of garlic, minced
  • 2 tsp. Thai curry paste
  • 2 Tbsp. soy sauce
  • fresh juice from 1 lime
  • 2 Tbsp. sugar
  • 1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 3 tablespoons water
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • -- For the Salad --
  • 1/2 head of cabbage, sliced
  • 1/2 red bell pepper, sliced thinly
  • 2 medium carrots, peeled
  • 1/4 cup fresh cilantro leaves, chopped
  • 3 green onions, chopped
  • 1/2 red onion, sliced thinly
  • 1/4 cup peanuts, crushed (for garnish)
  • sprinkling of sesame seeds (for garnish)

In a small bowl, combine all the sauce ingredients and whisk well, until creamy.

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Add all the salad ingredients to a large bowl and mix to combine. Add the sauce to the salad and stir well.

Produce On Parade - Thai Cabbage Salad Produce On Parade - Thai Cabbage Salad

That's it! And don't worry about the leftovers, since cabbage holds up much better than lettuce this salad should be okay overnight in the fridge! Garnish with the peanuts and sesame seeds.

Produce On Parade - Thai Cabbage Salad Produce On Parade - Thai Cabbage Salad

Stay away from the oven and the stove, make this and then relax. Imagine you're on the beach...