5 Plausible & Impactful New Year's Resolutions

I'm not really big on New Year's resolutions. I tend to see something that needs a change and/or improvement and attempt to implement a new course of action fairly quickly. Resolutions just seem so wishy washy. People have honest intentions, but they never seem to make good on them (myself included). Oftentimes our goals can be so loafy or vague that they are utterly unsustainable. We find ourselves failing, feeling bad, and usually end up worse than where we started. 

Well not anymore!

Here are five plausible and impactful New Year's resolutions that I'm making and you can too, for a healthy mind, and body. 

1. More Minimalism

This is an ongoing journey for me. For those working towards a more minimal lifestyle, everyone has different levels of they would like to achieve. I don't think I could ever be the type of minimalist that doesn't own a bed-frame because it's too excessive (a 100 lb. shedding beast does not allow my mattress to be on the floor, or I'd have a hair filled mouth!) But I know I can do better than where I am right now. My new goal is to once per week go through a few rooms of the house for just one hour (or 10 minutes per day) and grab stuff that I think can be "released"...aka donated.

Possessions, outward success, publicity, luxury - to me these have always been contemptible. I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone, best for both the body and the mind.
— Albert Einstein

I do this already, but it's not really scheduled. So it's hard to really understand how much progress I'm making. As far as making the decision on what makes the cut? I ask myself, "Do I love this? Do I use this?" If I can't honestly say no to either questions, then it goes in the donation box. If it's a sentimental item, I remind myself that my love nor memories are synonymous with the item. I know I can always take a photo of the item if I feel okay parting with it, but still want to remember it. And I do allow myself a shoebox that is my "memory" box. 

2. Less Consumerism

Some people do a "buy nothing month." While I'm not sure that's super achievable for Todd and I, we are thinking critically about how we build our home to maximize space. We are also having fun pondering each thing we buy. "Do we really need a Silpat? Why buy a $25 water bottle when my reused glass kombucha bottle does the trick? Those towels on sale at West Elm are super cute but ours are still in good condition."

“We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like.”
— Dave Ramsey

Todd has actually started writing down each thing he buys every day! There's a lot one can go without. Americans live in such ostentatious luxury, it's hard to wrap our brains around it. "What do you mean you don't have cable TV?!"

3. Learn A New Language

If you've read the blog for a while now, you probably know of my complete obsession with Duolingo, an online and outrageously fun way to learn a new language (not affiliated, just adore them!) It's like Rosetta Stone, but free. Duolingo is the best damn thing ever.

I managed to get through half of German (why on Earth did I choose German, it's one of the hardest languages!) and am now almost halfway through Dutch (I find it much easier). There are many languages to be learned, people. Including Swedish, Irish, and Danish! So make a resolution to put down the Candy Crush and do something a little more fulfilling. My goal this year is to finish Dutch, and once I do...it's a trip to the Nederlands (Netherlands)!! 

4. Get Enlightened

It's time to educated on how to navigate this crazy thing call life. These three books on happiness, pathways to a better life, and how to deal with suffering and moving forward with a renewed purpose, are here to help. Click on each book to learn more.

They are on my immediate book list! Have you read any of these? Do you have any suggestions? 

5. Strength Training

Yoga, running, and meditation are all very regular activities in my life. Everyday meditation was one of my goals from last year! As for getting ripped (I kid), I would really like to add in two to three days per week of 30 minutes of strength training. I've actually kind of already started! Todd helps me figure out what to do and I just pump iron in the living room while watching Antiques Roadshow. True story. Lifting weights is great for bone strength, metabolism, and obviously to get muscles like Popeye!

I find it's really important to keep my exercise type goals very, very specific. Don't be vague! It's good to apply this to all your resolutions, that way you can really see what you've done and what you need work on.

What are your, if any, New Year's resolutions?

How I Curb Anxiety

I'd love to tell you everything is smooth and jammy over here on my side on the pond, but that wouldn't be entirely truthful. Like many people, I struggle with anxiety. It's usually nonsensical anxiety that my body pushes on me like a large, unwanted gift of straight-up awful. My mind knows it's silly. My mind doesn't want it (No, thank you!), but can't seem to reject it. Thanks a lot body! 

Am I destined to choking down beta-blockers and SSRIs to ease my racing heart and trembling hands? To help quell my social awkwardness? Nah. Here are just a few things that I personally implement to help deal with daily anxiety. As always, check with your doctor before undertaking a new health routine. I'm not a doctor. Only you and your provider and/or counselor can determine what's best for you.

These are some of the things I do daily. I've listed them in order of my day. The holidays can be stressful, so try some of these out and get to relaxing. 

Go Vegan

Shocking, right? Fo' real though. A 2012 study found that eliminating animal products from one's diet resulted in improved mood within two weeks! Animal products can have an inflammatory effect on the body.

Why do fruits and vegetables improve our mood? Because of the inhibitors of the depression-associated enzymes that are found in various plants. So eat those plants up! Really though, you don't need me telling you to eat plants...

...better moods on plant-based diets could also be from the good stuff in plants—a class of phytonutrients that cross the blood brain barrier into our heads. A recent review in the journal, Nutritional Neuroscience, suggests that eating lots of fruits and vegetables may present a noninvasive natural and inexpensive therapeutic means to support a healthy brain.
— Dr. Michael Greger



It works. Sounds hokey, I know, but try it out. At the very least you'll smell nice!

In the morning and throughout the day I like to dab lavender oil on my wrists and neck. It's a very light and unoffending scent (unless you hate lavender). I use Aura Cacia 100% Pure Essential Lavender Oil. It's an easy buy at my grocery store, but you can find it on Amazon too. 

Lavender is known to have a very calming effect. That's why it's always in the heating pads. For more interesting information on lavender with regards to treating anxiety, check out this video and this video

If you really don't like lavender, orange oil is also known to lower anxiety levels. I use the doTerra Wild Orange Oil the same way as the lavender oil. Find out more about that in this great video. You can purchase orange oil at Amazon


Incredibly, saffron has anti-anxiety properties. I actually started huffing saffron for my crippling cramps. However, I learned that it's reported to be just as effective as Prozac. Legit stuff. Look into it, you'll want to, from the video here. The best part is that you can buy it from the grocery store! Or from Amazon. Plus I really, really, like the way saffron smells. It's kind of pricy, but you don't actual use any of it. Just sniff it. Maybe try to refrain from doing it in public though...



Rooibos, or red tea, can ease stress and anxiety. Researchers recently found that human adrenal gland cells in a petri dish produce about 4 times less steroid hormones, like cortisol, in the presence of rooibos.

I really like this organic Rooibos Chai by Numi. You can read more about how it beats stress here. Also, green tea is good for relaxing the mind. I drink tea throughout the day to keep me in relaxed state. Todd calls Rooibos, "monk tea" because it makes him feel super zen. Like a monk! 

Soothing and/or Uplifting Music

Listen to your favorite tunes to cheer you up or calm you down. These are some of my very favorites. 


I meditate (or practice "mindfulness") at least four days a week for 15-30 minutes. It takes a little practice. Often I hear people say they could never meditate because they just can't stop thinking! Yeah...that's kind of the point of doing it. Your brain will always be thinking of things, even during meditation. The best advice I've heard is to let the thoughts come and go. Don't follow them and don't push them away. Like a cloud, just let them pass. If I'm really having trouble, I will focus on my breathing. 

I really like to use guided meditation, because I find the words of another very soothing. This isn't "image" guided meditation, mind you. I'm not a big fan of that for some reason. If you're interested, there a few apps I use and like a lot. The first is called Insight Timer. I have it on my phone. I also subscribe to Meditation Oasis with Mary Maddox, as a podcast on my phone. She is very relaxing to listen to. Loving kindness meditation is a wonderful thing to practice. Meditation is all about being "in the moment" and not worrying on the future, or regretting the past. 

I always meditate laying down, because it's more comfortable for me. There's no right or wrong way to go about doing it. Meditate however suits you best. Also, yoga is also a great way to slow down. I do yoga three days a week and meditate during the day and sometimes at night as well. 


"The Original Chill Pill". Yep. Read ALL about it here, from Psychology Today. I won't go into detail, but magnesium has been scientifically proven to chill ya out, bro. I take a 250 mg supplement at night. It also helps with sleep (yay!) and constipation (no troubles in that department..) I make sure to get it from the foods I eat too. Foods that are high in magnesium are chard, pumpkin seeds, spinach, edamame, black beans, and quinoa. 

Heating Bag

I was gifted a flannel flaxseed filled bag for Christmas a few years ago and it is THE BEST THING EVER. Things are about to get real strange okay, but it's the truth.

I call it my "puppy" and Todd heats it up for three minutes every night in the microwave and I sleep with it. It's seriously my life. Sometimes if I'm really chilled or just need a snuggle bunny, I heat it up and lay it on my chest or neck. The weight and heat of it is so soothing. This is similar to what I have.


Exercise!! Very important. Get outside!! Also important. Snuggles with your favorite furry companion is definitely a stress soother. Breathing exercises are effective too. I like to take a big breath in and hold it for five seconds, let it out slowly and hold it out for five seconds. Repeat until you're as zen as a monk .

What do you do to help curb anxiety?