Blogiversary + Veganniversary + Birthday Cake Smoothie

This healthy Birthday Cake Smoothie is a great drink to treat yourself to anytime. Full of good fats and protein packed, skip the dessert and go for this cake-mimicking smoothie instead!

Produce On Parade - Cake Batter Smoothie - This healthy Birthday Cake Smoothie is a great drink to treat yourself to anytime. Full of good fats and protein packed, skip the dessert and go for this cake-mimicking smoothie instead!

Well, April 25th was Todd and my two year blogiversary and veganniversary. Another one come and gone and too much excitement already happening (housebuilding and cookbook) to evenly properly celebrate, can you imagine?! It's only been two years since we simultaneously decided to go completely vegan, and start a blog as an outlet to our new adventure but it sure feels like we've lived this way our whole lives.

Who would have known the adopting a vegan lifestyle would reduce Todd to the lowest dose of Methotrexate for this rheumatoid arthritis! Just by cutting out dairy, eggs, and meat?! He felt so much better, there was no turning back and then the blog just grew from there. It wasn't filled with the potential struggles of being vegan like I thought it would be. Nope, rather Produce On Parade became a celebration of this new way of life and the amazing food that goes with it. Add as time went on were reviews of wonderful vegan products, news and information regarding veganism and wellness, and of course a new Dutch word every post too. 

A lot has changed from two years ago. I never thought I'd be smack in the middle of building a home (yesterday was our second kitchen design appointment and today was bathrooms!) and writing a cookbook (over halfway done!). It's been a pretty crazy ride but I wouldn't change it for anything. Adopting a vegan lifestyle and starting Produce On Parade have been two of the most life-changing and exciting things in our lives. I can't wait to see what the next two years have in store! And for fun, here is look back to our one year blogiversary/veganniversary in which a salted caramel chocolate tart made a grand appearance. 

Thanks so much for supporting Produce On Parade in all we do over here. I love hearing from each and every one of you! You all always have the kindest things to say, especially in a world that's sometimes not so friendly. I wish you were all my neighbors so we could celebrate each new day with delicious, cruelty-free food and give each other advice on which vegan deodorant to use (you think I'm joking but I'm really not). I have the best readers and friends around. Thank you. 

Produce On Parade - Cake Batter Smoothie - This healthy Birthday Cake Smoothie is a great drink to treat yourself to anytime. Full of good fats and protein packed, skip the dessert and go for this cake-mimicking smoothie instead!

And now onto some serious stuff. Protein! Protein powder that is. I don't really use the stuff a whole lot, but Todd does and he approves of the new line from Sunwarrior...Classic Plus! Check out it's awesome stats:

  • Organic & vegan (hooray!)

  • Raw & plant-based

  • Made with amaranth, quinoa, chia seeds, yellow peas, and brown rice

  • Gluten-free

  • Sweetened with stevia

  • 18 grams of protein per serving

  • Chocolate, Vanilla, and Natural

Totally full of good stuff right? I thought it would be the perfect addition to this Cake Batter Smoothie. Want to try it out yourself? Sunwarrior is hosting a giveaway! Click the link to enter to win a protein powder starter pack!

Produce On Parade - Cake Batter Smoothie - This healthy Birthday Cake Smoothie is a great drink to treat yourself to anytime. Full of good fats and protein packed, skip the dessert and go for this cake-mimicking smoothie instead!

Birthday Cake Smoothie

Birthday Cake Smoothie

This healthy Birthday Cake Smoothie is a great drink to treat yourself to anytime. Full of good fats and protein packed, skip the dessert and go for this cake-mimicking smoothie instead!

  • 1 cup non-dairy milk
  • 1 scoop (25 g) Sunwarrior Classic Plus Vanilla Protein Powder
  • ½ medium frozen banana, sliced
  • 1 small avocado, pitted
  • ½ tsp almond extract
  • ¼ tsp baking powder
  • ¼ tsp butter extract
  • ¼ tsp vanilla extract
  • dash of kosher salt
  • dash of birthday sprinkles, optional
  1. Place everything excluding the sprinkles in the blender and blend on high for about 1 minute, until smooth and creamy.
  2. Top with sprinkles and serve chilled.

  3. Prep time:
    Cook time:
    Total time:
    Yield: 1 smoothie

More Great Smoothie Recipes

Produce On Parade - Cake Batter Smoothie - This healthy Birthday Cake Smoothie is a great drink to treat yourself to anytime. Full of good fats and protein packed, skip the dessert and go for this cake-mimicking smoothie instead!

Birthday S'more Pie + Huge Announcement

Hi there!

It's my birthday today. Such an occasion calls for decadence, and I pull out all the stops! It requires pie. S'more pie! But first a little story, and a put on your big-time underpants because I've got an announcement that I can't keep secret any longer. Nope, not pregnant. Glad we got that out of the way.

Produce On Parade - Birthday S'more Pie + Huge Announcement

You know how kids always say they want to be something crazy like an astronaut or The President or a fairy princess when they grow up? Yeah...that wasn't me. Well, aside from demanding to be addressed as "Little Foot" from The Land Before Time fame or later "Ariel" from The Little aspirations were a bit more...down-to-Earth.

Biologist. That was the profession of choice in my young mind, and it topped the list for quite some time. Probably because both my parents majored in Biology. Moving forward, in third grade my teacher made profession predictions (which was exceptionally exciting as she only did one every two weeks). Due to my compassion for animals, I was prophesied to become a veterinarian. However, it's because of said love for animals that it quickly became clear I would be the most bleeding heart god-awful, veterinarian out there. Scratch.

For a long time, I secretly yearned (or not so secretly by nonchalantly displaying my journals of teen-angst, melancholic poetry strewn about) to become a poet and a published author, as I'd always loved writing. Then, for a time, I knew I'd become a preschool teacher. My Dad was a teacher and I spent my days after school (when I wasn't doing sports) volunteering at our local elementary school.  Finally, at the end of high school we had to research a profession for some big presentation, something we might want to do, and I landed on Diagnostic Medical Ultrasonographer. Hey, I got pretty close with that one seeing as I ultimately ended up becoming a Mammographer! 

Produce On Parade - Birthday S'more Pie + Huge Announcement

Besides entering the radiology field, it seems I've also obtained another one of my childhood dreams. Nope, still not a dinosaur or a mermaid yet. Because it's my birthday, which means I can do as I please (I definitely did not eat pie for breakfast in bed before work this morning), I found it fitting to announce that I'm about to become a published author! Yes my friends, I'm writing a cookbook. For you.

It will be out around April 2016. I know that seems like forever, but I've been working on it since the beginning of this year and you know how these things go. The best things in life take time. Wait no, that's not how it goes. Anyways, I couldn't be more thrilled that it's being published by (drumroll please) a division of Macmillan(!!!), Page Street Publishing. My eyes almost fell out of my head. 

I bet, much like myself, you're wondering how this may have happened to a small-time little Alaskan girl. Well, I'll tell you. For some time now I've been sporadically contacted be several publishers, "If you ever want to write a cookbook, please give us a call!" I would politely write back, thanking them for their offer but at this time I am much too busy to put in the effort necessary. Who has time to write a cookbook when you're building a house? And I mean literally chopping down the trees, goddamner. Is there time to tackle publishing a book when one already has a full-time job as Protector of Boobs? I just came up with that and really like it. Noted. Not to mention, I get frazzled easily, especially with timelines.

Nah, it's not for me. I'd seriously doubted I was talented enough, determined enough, and just plain confident enough to be a genuine author. But then, it struck me...I've been writing and developing recipes this entire time for Produce On Parade! For two years! I could definitely write a cookbook, and soon I wanted to! I really wanted to. Wait though, I thought, aren't there enough vegan cookbooks out there? Trick question. The answer to that is, of course, never. But what did I have to offer?

Well for that, you'll have to check out the book, but I can tell you that it will be filled with beautiful photography and dishes that are accessible and approachable by everyone. Meals you'll be proud to make your family and serve sneakily to your unbeknownst omnivore friends.  My book will feature wholesome recipes with a bit less of the typical vegan substitutes like vegan butter, vegan sour cream, and hard to access ingredients, etc. However, there'll still be some of those recipes so don't fret! Seriously, vegan marshmallows need a place in my life. 

This is an unbelievably exciting opportunity. It wouldn't of happened without Sarah and Will over at Page Street calling me up one day and inviting me to write a cookbook. I must have said yes because four months later here I am! If you've noticed I've been making little more than cameos here on Produce On Parade, it's because I've been recipe developing and photographing for the book. I'm not a risk taker and usually need a lot of prodding to step outside my zone of comfort. I don't like to do things until I've mastered them and I hate feeling vulnerable. That being said, I am I so overjoyed that I decided to take this leap. 

I want to know what kinds recipes YOU want in the book. Please, tell me what recipes you'd look forward to seeing. I want you to be a part of this cookbook. It's for you after all. If it wasn't for my amazing readers, none of this would be possible. I'll keep you posted on all the good details as the year passes. Thank you for supporting and believing in me!

Produce On Parade - Birthday S'more Pie + Huge Announcement

You'll find more recipes, like my birthday Mocha S'more Pie, in the book! It was inspired by the bon fires we've been burning at the property to clear the land...inspiration abounds everywhere.

Produce On Parade - Birthday S'more Pie + Huge Announcement