Pet Portrait: Made to Order


Pet Portrait: Made to Order


Capture the spirit of your favorite fur baby with an original portrait painted by author-artist Kathleen Henry.

Your acrylic painting on canvas will measure 18 x 24 inches. You can even add your pet's name or a message in the painting! 

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Capture the spirit of your favorite fur baby with an original portrait painted by author-artist Kathleen Henry.

Your acrylic painting on canvas will measure 18 x 24 inches. You can even add your pet's name or a message in the painting! 

Please allow approximately 1 week (up to 2 during holiday season!) from the time your photos are received to shipment date. If you're in a hurry, please let Kathleen know and she will do her best to accommodate you!

★ ★★ Here's how it works: ★★★

★ Place your order:
• QUANTITY: choose how many paintings you want. 
• NUMBER OF PETS: Choose how many animals will be in each painting and select "+ text" if you want names and/or a message painted, too. 

★ You will receive an email shortly after with a request for reference photo(s) and the desired text, if applicable.

★ Based on the photos Kathleen will stylistically interpret the spirit of your pet on paper. Each painting is different and unique to your loved creature.